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Shagbark Studio's Gifts from the Heart, For the Home

Amber Siepel of Shagbark Studio crafts textile loveliness in her studio shaded by a shagbark hickory tree. The lavender sachet above is made from a vintage handkerchief. It measures about 3 1/2" x 5 1/2" and has delicate grey, white, and teal flowers appliqued on the front and tiny white and teal flowers embroidered on the back. The cost is $10.

This is a fun little wall hanging made from a Japanese cotton/linen fabric mounted on a blank 6" x 12" painter's canvas. The cost is $18.

This is wine bag (or bottle-sized gift bag) made from a gorgeous Japanese fabric with an umbrella print. It is approximately 7” x 14". A generous length of ribbon is sewn onto the back of the bag, which is simply tied in a bow or knotted around the neck of the bottle. The cost is $8.

This little basket is approximately 4" deep, 5" in diameter and about 8" total height. Perfect for birthday presents, baby shower gifts or Easter!! The cost is $10.

Purchase Shagbark Studio's items at Amber's Etsy shop.


  1. oh, lots of fun & beautiful creations ! thanks a lot for being part of it !

  2. Thanks Amber for your generous contribution!

  3. great items that could really come in handy

  4. amber ..what beautiful gifts ... such a treasure each one

  5. Cute and useful pieces! That wonderful fabric on the wine bag reminde me a bit of Margie's stones. Lovely!
